Requisite Perspective

Valerie Freitas asks: In using Wardley mapping, are there guidelines in thinking about who you have at the table to begin these discussions? Designing/cultivating the kind of input you receive by selecting who is part of your discussion group or cross-functional or different levels of experience, etc. or perhaps meetings with different groups to see… Continue reading Requisite Perspective

Making Sense of Technological Ecosystems

Diane Mueller very kindly invited me to share Wardley Maps with the OpenShift Commons, and I can’t help but write about the challenge she’s shared: Okay, now I just gotta figure out how to map an entire tech ecosystem that I have near-zero understanding of. No pressure! First, let’s look at the website she shared…… Continue reading Making Sense of Technological Ecosystems

How To Introduce Wardley Mapping to Different Strata of the Organization

Tony Osime asks: What is the best way to introduce Wardley Mapping to different groups? a. Senior executives – Strategic level b. Management – Team leader level c. Junior staff – Team member level This is a great question, and one I’ve thought about for some time. I’ve had some experiences with each of these… Continue reading How To Introduce Wardley Mapping to Different Strata of the Organization

Wardley Mapping Fake News

On March 5th, we attended an online workshop to get some hands-on practice with Wardley Mapping. The topic of the day was Disinformation, and our group focused on mapping how to recognize fake news — truth or not, technological fakes, deep fakes, videos, pictures, and all kinds of things that come to mind when we hear that phrase…

Visualizing the Interaction of Evolution and Data (Measurement)

Over the last few months, I’ve been reading material by Frank W. Geels on the Multi Level Perspective, which uses arrows to visualize change and transition in the disposition of a market ecosystem. Here’s an example: I was recently discussing evolution with a client on a call about Wardley Mapping, and I drew an impromptu diagram… Continue reading Visualizing the Interaction of Evolution and Data (Measurement)

The Value of Doctrine

One of the more curious aspects of Wardley Mapping is Doctrine — what we choose to believe are universally-applicable principles. Doctrine is essentially values-based ideas like putting users first and being open to challenge. Simon Wardley presents his chosen doctrine in his book, and we also have a reference section here on LWM. While Simon’s doctrine is a great place… Continue reading The Value of Doctrine

Trojan Horses and Participatory Process: Sue Borchardt & Andie Nordgren

As part of the Wardley Maps Community YouTube channel (subscribe here), John Grant and Ben Mosior recently sat down with Sue Borchardt and Andie Nordgren. Sue is a research artist whose remarkable videos on topics like strategy for peace and justice, solitary confinement, and complexity are breathing fresh life into our discourse at a point in time when it’s desperately needed. Andie is former… Continue reading Trojan Horses and Participatory Process: Sue Borchardt & Andie Nordgren

Mapping Power: An Introduction to Burja Mapping

Once you have a strategy, you need to get your team on board. Who can help you implement your strategy? Who might be an obstacle, or enemy? Samo Burja’s Empire Theory provides a framework for mapping power. After this talk, you’ll be able to start mapping power in your organization and beyond.